How to Decide your Needs of Lawn Irrigation in Battle Creek

by | Mar 13, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

Lawn Irrigation in Battle Creek is an alternative to installing a lawn irrigation system on your own. It is possible to install your own, although, not an easy task. If you are handy around the house, you may want to research to see if you are up for the task. More recently has lawn irrigation systems come into residential neighborhoods. They used to be reserved for places such as parks, municipal buildings and golf courses.

You will need either obtain your own average water pressure reading from the one of the Battle Creek city buildings, depending on the area you live in. However, this average may not be best reading, as it doesn’t reflect your water usage specifically. The other option is to read your water usage with a gauge. What is meant by working water pressure is the active water that is flowing through the pipes. The working water pressure is measured in psi (lbs. per square inch). You will need a gauge to determine the reading. All of the faucets (inside and outside) must be turned off, so you may take an accurate reading. Attach the gauge up to the outside faucet once you have turned all the other faucets off.

Next, is getting the size of the water meter. This is relatively easy. It is typically imprinted into the meter housing unit. Typical sizes are 5/8”, ¾” and 1”. If you have a well involved that you will be pumping water from, you can get the pump size from the manufacturer of the pump or a service manual of the pump. This information may be tricky to find, but you will need it for later usage.

Next is the size of the line that you will install. You will want the line to be the same as the current line from your water and sewerage station. Take a piece of string and wrap it around the existing pipe. Mark and measure the string length-wise to get the length of the pipe. Copper pipes are typically 2 3/4”, 3 ½” and 4 1/8”. Galvanized pipe and 40 PVC pipe lengths are 3 ¼”, 4” or 5”.

The second from last step is to get the gallons per minute (gpm) to get the water flow rate. Take a container that has volume increments listed on it. With the water turned on, record the seconds it takes to fill to some known level (obtain this information from the water dept). Take that volume and divide by the seconds it took to fill the container. Lastly multiply by 60. The result is your flow rate in gpm.

Lastly, obtain your backflow which you will get from Battle Creek’s Water Station in your local area. As you can see this can be a technical type of task that Lawn Irrigation system in Battle Creek would take over for you to make sure your system is set up and runs smoothly.

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