Four Common Surveillance Strategies Used By Private Investigators in Orange County

by | Jan 9, 2013 | security systems

Have you hired a private investigator to follow someone to see if your hunches are correct? If so, you probably wonder how they actually keep tabs on people and see where they are going. Here are some common tactics used by private investigators in Orange County to help prove or disprove the theories you have about someone.

Following in Traffic
If you’ve hired a private investigator to get evidence that someone is cheating or going places they aren’t supposed to go, the most common thing they will do is follow that person. If you give the investigator an idea of the person’s daily routine, they can begin following them and taking notes about the places they go.

Wiretaps and Bugs
In some cases, a wiretap or bug might be necessary to get the evidence needed for a client. Private investigators in Orange County are sometimes allowed to put these devices in strategic places to record conversations. Depending on the state in which you live, the evidence may or may not be admissible in court. But if you’re looking for proof of fraud or something else so you can make a particular decision, this may be the ideal way to get the information you need.

Blending In
A common technique used by private investigators in Orange County to get the evidence they need is to simply blend in with the subject’s surroundings. This allows them to get close to the subject without being noticed. As a result, they can get information they need to report back to their client. This is one of the best techniques because it doesn’t take any special training or equipment. As long as the subject has never seen the investigator before, they won’t be suspicious that someone is there gathering information about them.

Computer Surveillance
In today’s age of computer technology, a private investigator simply can’t be effective for their client if they don’t have any computer surveillance strategies or equipment. Many people who are doing something they shouldn’t be doing get caught through computer surveillance because their emails and instant messaging conversations tell on them. A qualified investigator will be able to crack their email code or install a keystroke program onto their computer which will track every letter the subject types. This gives them a way to break a code and view everything they communicate. If the private investigator you are going to use doesn’t have computer surveillance resources, you should find a different one for your needs.

When you use Pagones-O’Neill Investigations-Securities, we use the latest equipment to get the information you’re looking for. With our team of private investigators in Orange County, you can be assured that your case is in good hands.

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